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Urolithin A - pro-autophagy, anti-inflammatory?

Beiträge: 14
Registriert: 30.07.2020, 04:49

Urolithin A - pro-autophagy, anti-inflammatory?


Beitragvon Tarragon83 » 21.04.2021, 13:46

Hi everyone, I just wanted to make a post quickly and I am on my phone. I recently started taking Mitopure (uro A). The very first dose of 500 mg back in March pretty much put me in bed for the next 3 days. I was tired enough to sleep well and I had chills and migraines. After that, my exertion tolerance became stably better although I had some setback from a cold later. I now have a 2 month supply of it and just took my 9th dose. All of the twitching is 99.999% gone. headaches are gone. Arm coordination is normal. Thinking is almost too clear. But I can't sleep well due to the stimulating effect. Fatigue still strikes me but it is less noticeable. Hair became soft and lustrous:)
I made a post in the Reddit community with a link to a 2021 review paper. Scroll down the tables to see the effects on various types of cells. ... urce=share

It is not a 100% cure but seems promising for fixing floxed brains.
Levo the Brain Cooker 500x14 in Dec. 2019

Beiträge: 86
Registriert: 15.05.2019, 10:42

Re: Urolithin A - pro-autophagy, anti-inflammatory?


Beitragvon Ferdirsch » 21.04.2021, 13:55

Urolithin A is a very interesting substance indeed. What you are describing sounds pretty similar to those mitophagy flare ups like in our NAD+ protocol. Unfortunately as far as I know, mitopure is not available in germany yet. Personally I'm a bit concerned about it being high in oxalates but I'll definitely keep that on my list and maybe give it a try at some point. Thanks for the post :)
Moxiflox 5x 400 mg Dez' 18

Beiträge: 14
Registriert: 30.07.2020, 04:49

Re: Urolithin A - pro-autophagy, anti-inflammatory?


Beitragvon Tarragon83 » 21.04.2021, 14:13

I also live outside US, but I found a US resident through the floxies sub who forwarded it to me. It was pricy:(
However, there are other products with Mitopure like Celltrient and Renual. They may be available on Amazon. If a company ships to US only but accepts credit cards of foreign banks, one could buy from them and then use services like Shipito or another US resident...
Levo the Brain Cooker 500x14 in Dec. 2019

Beiträge: 14
Registriert: 30.07.2020, 04:49

Re: Urolithin A - pro-autophagy, anti-inflammatory?


Beitragvon Tarragon83 » 13.07.2021, 20:43

FYI, Timeline now ships to Swirzerland.
Levo the Brain Cooker 500x14 in Dec. 2019

Beiträge: 86
Registriert: 15.05.2019, 10:42

Re: Urolithin A - pro-autophagy, anti-inflammatory?


Beitragvon Ferdirsch » 13.07.2021, 22:07

Thanks for the update that's good to know! I'm definitely still interested in trying it!
Moxiflox 5x 400 mg Dez' 18

Beiträge: 259
Registriert: 03.04.2020, 14:54

Re: Urolithin A - pro-autophagy, anti-inflammatory?


Beitragvon Moien » 19.08.2021, 08:09

Hey an Alle,

Ich hab mit Tara nochmal privat bei FB geschrieben und sie hat mir noch mehr infos gegeben wie das Uro A bei ihr wirkt und es klingt sehr vielversprechend. Man kann es nicht mit dem NAD+ vergleichen, da sie beides macht und sagt, dass das Uro A viel sanfter ist.

Ich würde es gerne ausprobieren aber es ist relativ teuer und daher würde ich mir gerne die Kosten mit jemanden teilen alles in allem kostet der kram für 60 kapseln a 500mg knapp 140 €.

Wenn sich jemand beteiligen möchte gerne privat anschreiben, ggf. kann man ja auch ne Packung aufmachen und sie durch 2 teilen dann wären es nur noch 70€ für 2 Personen. Tara nimmt auch nur 500 bis 1000 mg in der Woche....
Zuletzt geändert von Moien am 19.08.2021, 08:17, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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