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Brief einer betroffenen US Ärztin an ihre Kollegen

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Brief einer betroffenen US Ärztin an ihre Kollegen


Beitragvon FluorchiNO » 21.10.2017, 11:13

Dieser Brief findet man hier: ... 2015Fn.pdf

Diese selbst betroffene Ärztin fasst die Problematik und die wesentlichen Punkte gut zusammen und stützt ihre Aussagen auf eine sehr lange Literaturliste.

Daher absolut bemerkenswert und m.E. zur Einsicht für hiesige (eigene) Ärzte geeignet. In der Hoffnung, dass sie sich damit ihrer enormen Verantwortung bewusst werden, wenn sie solche potenziell schädigende Antibiotika verschreiben (ein Urologe verschrieb mir 2015 2 solche FC innerhalb ein paar Wochen als 1.AB wegen einer akuten Blasenentzündung, sozusagen "nebenbei" während er mir von seinen tollen Urlauben erzählte... :? ).

Übersetzung auf Deutsch folgt...

Dear Colleague,

The broad spectrum fluoroquinolone antibiotics (FQs) are some of the most
potent oral antibiotics in clinical use today. They are among the most often
prescribed antimicrobial agents.104Initially they were recommended as drugs of
last resort.FQs act by inhibiting bacterial DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV. By
doing so they are bacteriolytic instead of bacteriostatic.

In this letter I would like to give you additional information regarding the adverse
effects (AEs) to FQs, which appear to happen with greater frequency and
chronicity than previously known.78The adverse effects of FQs are multi-systemic
in nature, co-occurring and therefore meeting the qualifications for a Syndrome:
the Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome (FTS).76,77,78

AEs to FQs can be either immediate or delayed.1,6 They also can become
permanent in nature.25 Tendonitis/tendinosis, gastrointestinal (nausea, diarrhea)
and central nervous system AEs (headache, dizziness) are most common.

The pathophysiology of the AEs to FQs are multifaceted:
Inhibition to and/or disruption of the GABA receptor; Chelation of divalent ions such as magnesium with disruption of cellular function; Oxidative stress; Harm to nuclear DNA, harm to mitochondria and other cell organelles such as lysosomes; Depletion of
mitochondrial DNA; Direct toxicity; From a recent Mayo Clinic article; 82Iron
chelation leading to epigenetic effects through inhibition of dioxygenases,
inducing global epigenetic changes and inhibition of collagen maturation leading
to tendinopathy and liver injury.

A summary of possible adverse effects:

1. Fluoroquinolones may harm not only Achilles tendons, but also other tendons,
ligaments, connective tissue, cartilage, bones and muscles.1-9, 98-103
2. Fluoroquinolones may induce apoptosis of human body cells and thereby
harm their mitochondria by several mechanisms including oxidative stress.29-37
3. Fluoroquinolones may harm human DNA and may therefore be genotoxic.38-49
4. Fluoroquinolones have been used as chemotherapy or as an adjunct to
existing chemotherapy because of their apoptotic properties.50-65
5. Fluoroquinolones may harm the Central Nervous System,18-28 the Peripheral
Nervous System10-17 as well as many other endocrine and non-endocrine
6. Fluoroquinolones appear to be able to either induce or worsen an existing
autoimmune diseases as well as give rise to an immune-allergic mediated

Patients may present with a wide array of symptoms: Joints: pain, swelling,
redness, fluid. Cartilage damage. Meniscus tears. Tendons: Pain, tears, rupture,
swelling. Ligament damage. Muscles: pain, weakness and wasting, involuntary
muscle contraction, twitching or jerks. Weight loss, nausea, diarrhea, hair loss,
visual abnormalities, severe fatigue, exertion inability, headache, feelings of head
pressure, dizziness, tremors, insomnia or sleep disturbance, hallucinations,
convulsions, anxiety, psychosis. neuropathy pain, tingling, prickling, burning,
“shocks,” buzzing, squeezing, or “pressure” in the arms, legs, body, or head,
paresthesia, blood pressure changes, autonomic neuropathy and sensory
disturbance, inability to sweat, excessive sweating, loss of bladder control,
orthostatic hypotension, tinnitus, dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting.
Hypersensitivity to pain or to light touch. Insomnia. Disturbance of glucose
regulation, signs of hypo or hyperglycemia. Elevated liver enzymes, liver failure,
kidney damage or failure. Heart: irregular heart beat with palpitations, QT
prolongation, torsade de point. Vision disturbance like floaters. Difficulty walking,
difficulty talking, difficulty swallowing, difficulty thinking.76,108

Acknowledgment of these often complex AEs is important for the patient. If AEs
to FQs are not viewed as inter-related, it is easy to miss the diagnosis of
FTS. Patients are then diagnosed as having fibromyalgia, somatoform or other
psychiatric illness because doctors who are unaware of the potential severity and
duration of some fluoroquinolone AEs. Of course It is also important to exclude
other pathology that was either provoked by or already existing but only become
apparent after the use of fluoroquinolone antibiotics.

It is my hope that many patients will benefit as medical professionals become
more aware of the information in this letter. Thank you for your time and

Respectfully yours,

Miriam J. de Jonge M.D.
Contact Email:

Postscript and Accountability. To write this letter I have done a PUB Med and
Google scholar search for fluoroquinolones and the several adverse events. I
tried to refer to human research only as much as possible, although animal
studies may provide valuable data. I also tried to use recent publications except
when I thought older ones to be of importance.

Being harmed myself by the adverse events to these antibiotics, I wanted to find
out for myself what could be the explanation for my ongoing symptoms.
I also wanted to update the last “Dear Doctor” letter that was written in 2006 by
yet another physician who was harmed after the use of Fluoroquinolones
As you might know medical literature post marketing has a tendency to
emphasize a more favorable outcome than is the reality 105,106Lately two citizens
petitions for two more black box warnings were submitted to the FDA by
professor Charles Bennet from SONAR : one for psychiatric EAs. 82 And one for
Mitochondrial damage. 81

Tendons, muscles and bones:

1. Lewis T, Cook J. Fluoroquinolones and tendinopathy: a guide for athletes and sports clinicians and a systematic review of the literature.
Journal of Athletic Training. 2014 May-Jun;49(3):422-7.

2.Tsai WC, Hsu CC., et al. Ciprofloxacin up-regulates tendon cells to express matrix metalloproteinase-2 with degradation of type I collagen.
J Orthop Res. 2011 Jan;29(1):67-73.

3. Kaleagasioglu F, Olcay E. Fluoroquinolone-Induced Tendinopathy: Etiology and Preventive Measures.Tohoku J ExpMed. 2012;226(4):251-8.

4. Finnoff JT, Smith J,. et al. Musculoskeletal complications of fluoroquinolones: guidelines and precautions for usage in the athletic
. PM R. 2011 Feb;3(2):132-42. Department of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine
Center, Rochester, MN 55905, USA. ... olones.pdf

5.Eisele S, Garbe E. et al. Ciprofloxacin-related acute severe myalgia necessitating emergency care treatment: a case report and review of the literature. Int J ClinPharmacolTher. 2009 Mar;47(3):165-8.

6. Sendzik J, Lode H,. et al.Quinolone-induced arthropathy: an update focusing on new mechanistic and clinical data. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2009
Mar;33(3):194-200. ... 7908003531

7. Maurin N. Fluoroquinolone-induced Achilles tendon rupture Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2008 Feb;133(6):241-4

8. Sendzik J, Shakibaei M., et al., Fluoroquinolones cause changes in extracellular matrix, signalling proteins, metalloproteinases and caspase-3 in cultured human tendon cells. Toxicology. 2005 Aug 15;212(1):24-36.

9. O-Lee T, Stewart CE., et al.,Fluoroquinolone-induced arthralgia and myalgia in the treatment of sinusitis. Am J Rhinol. 2005 Jul-Aug;19(4):395-9.

Peripheral Neuropathy:

10. Jacquelyn K. Francis, Elizabeth Higgins.Permanent Peripheral Neuropathy: A Case Report on a Rare but Serious Debilitating Side-Effect
of Fluoroquinolone Administration
.Journal of Investigative Medicine High
Impact Case Reports July-September 2014 vol. 2 no. 3 ... 45225.full

11.Etminan M, Brophy JM, Samii., et al. Oral fluoroquinolone use and risk of peripheral neuropathy. A pharmacoepidemiologic study. Neurology Today:
2 October 2014 - Volume 14 - Issue 19 - p 41–44

12. Jumma OK, Dick J., et al. Ciprofloxacin induced acute small fibre neuropathy. Case report. Can J Neurol Sci. 2013 Jan;40(1):127-8

13. Ali AK. Peripheral neuropathy and Guillain-Barré syndrome risks associated with exposure to systemic fluoroquinolones: a
pharmacovigilance analysis
. Ann Epidemiol. 2015 Jun 19. pii: S1047-

14. Pharmacovigilance Review FDA :Internal Report on possible permanent PeripheralNeuropathy by Fluoroquinolones. Apr. 2013. ... hvRGM/view

15. Panas M, Karadima G., et al. Hereditary Neuropathy Unmasked by Levofloxacin 2011. Ann Pharmacother. 2011 Oct;45(10):1312-3. ... vaquin.pdf

16. Liang VY, Ghearing GR., et al. Carpal tunnel syndrome after ciprofloxacin-induced tendinitis. J Clin Neuromuscul Dis. 2010 Mar;11(3):165-6.

17. Cohen JS. Peripheral neuropathy associated with fluoroquinolones.
Ann Pharmacother. 2001 Dec;35(12):1540-7.

18. Wang JM, Zahedi S.A possible case of levofloxacin-associated amnesia, depression, and paresthesia. Conn Med. 2014 Apr;78(4):229-30.

19. Anthony J. Busti, M.D., Pharm.D., et al.What is the mechanism by which the fluoroquinolone can increase a patients for developing a seizure or worse epilepsy.Pharmacology Weekly. 2014

20. Vikas Raj, Lt Cola., et al. Levofloxacin induced delirium with psychotic features in a young patient. Med J Armed Forces India. 2013 Oct;69(4):404-5.

21. Chauhan U, Shanbag P., et al. Ofloxacin-induced hallucinations. Indian J
Pharmacol. 2013 Mar-Apr; 45(2): 189–190.

22.Mittal SO, Machado DG., et al. Orofacial dyskinesia after moxifloxacin treatment--a case with normal hepatorenal function and review of literature.Clin Neuropharmacol. 2012 Nov-Dec;35(6):292-4.

23. ArunKandasamy, D Srinath Levofloxacin-induced acute anxiety and insomnia. Journal of Neuroscience in Rural Practice. 2012 May;3(2):212-4.

24.Tomé AM, Filipe A. Quinolones: review of psychiatric and neurological adverse reactions.Drug Saf. 2011 Jun 1;34(6):465-88. ... ctions.pdf

25.Kiangkitiwan B, Doppalapudi A., et al. Levofloxacin-induced delirium with psychotic features. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2008 Jul-Aug;30(4):381-3.

26.Cheung YF, Wong WW., et al. Ciprofloxacin Induced Palatal Tremor Palatal tremor, characterized by rhythmic contractions of the soft
.MovDisord. 2007 May 15;22(7):1038-43.

27. Ajay Tripathi, MS, FRCS(Ed)., et al. Acute Psychosis Following the Use of Topical Ciprofloxacin.JAMA Ophthalmol. 2002;120(5):665-666. ... eid=270419

28.Green MA, Halliwell RF. Selective antagonism of the GABA(A) receptor by ciprofloxacin and biphenylacetic acid. Br J Pharmacol. 1997 Oct;122(3):584-90.

Mitochondrial damage + Oxidative stress:

29. Ghaly H, Jörns A2.,et al. Effect of fluoroquinolones on mitochondrial function in pancreatic beta cells. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2014 Feb 14;52:206-14.

30. Sameer Kalghatgi, Catherine S.,et al. Bactericidal Antibiotics Induce Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Oxidative Damage in Mammalian Cells.
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31. A Pharmacovilagance Review FDA Internal Report. April 17, 2013: § 8.6 ... QtbWs/edit

32.Barnhill AE, Brewer MT., et al. Adverse effects of antimicrobials via predictable or idiosyncratic inhibition of host mitochondrial components.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2012 Aug;56(8):4046-51.

33. Li HT, Zhu SY., et al. The effect of moxifloxacin on apoptosis of airway smooth muscle cells and mitochondria membrane potential. ZhonghuaJie
He He Hu Xi ZaZhi. 2011 Sep;34(9):684-7

34. V Talla and PR Veerareddy. [b]Oxidative Stress Induced by Fluoroquinolones on Treatment for Complicated Urinary Tract Infections in
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35. Hsiao CJ, Younis H., et al. Trovafloxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic with hepatotoxic potential, causes mitochondrial peroxynitrite stress in a mouse model of underlying mitochondrial dysfunction. Chemico-Biologal
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36. Lowes DA, Wallace C., et al.The mitochondria targeted antioxidant MitoQ protects against fluoroquinolone-induced oxidative stress and mitochondrial membrane damage in human Achilles tendon cells. Free
Radic Research. 2009 Apr;43(4):323-8.

37. Boya P, Andreau K,. et al. Lysosomal Membrane Permeabilization Induces Cell Death in a Mitochondrion-dependent Fashion.
The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2003 May 19;197(10):1323-34

DNA damage and genotoxicity:

38. de Guidi G, Bracchitta G., et al. Photosensitization Reactions of Fluoroquinolones and Their Biological Consequences.PhotochemPhotobiol.
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39.Koziel R, Szczepanowska J., et al. Ciprofloxacin inhibits proliferation and promotes generation of aneuploidy in Jurkat cells.
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40.Pommier Y, Leo E., et al. DNA Topoisomerases and Their Poisoning by Anticancer and Antibacterial Drugs. Chemistry and Biology. Volume 17, Issue
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41.Sánchez G, Hidalgo ME., et al. Induced and photoinduced DNA damage by quinolones: ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin and nalidixic acid determined by comet assay. PhotochemPhotobiol. 2005 Jul-Aug;81(4):819-22.

42. Viola G, Facciolo L., et al. Photophysical and Phototoxic Properties of the Antibacterial Fluoroquinolones Levofloxacin and
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43. Zhang T, Li JL., et al. Compare two methods of measuring DNA damage induced by photogenotoxicity of fluoroquinolones.ActaPharmacol Sin. 2004

44. Laurent Marrot, Jean PhillipeBelaïdi., et al.Molecular Responses to Photogenotoxic Stress Induced by the Antibiotic Lomefloxacin in Human Skin Cells: From DNA Damage to Apoptosis.Journal of Investigative
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45.Hiraku Y, Kawanishi S.,Distinct mechanisms of guanine-specific DNA photodamage induced by nalidixic acid and fluoroquinolone antibacterials.
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46.Hamanaka H, Mizutani., et al.Melanocyte melanin augments sparfloxacininduced phototoxicity.Journal of Dermatological Science. 1999 Sep;21(1):27-33. ... 9/abstract

47.Mäkinen M, Forbes PD., et al. Quinolone antibacterials: a new class of photochemical carcinogens. J PhotochemPhotobiol B. 1997 Feb;37(3):182-7

48. Lawrence JW, Claire DC.,et al.Delayed cytotoxicity and cleavage of mitochondrial DNA in ciprofloxacin-treated mammalian cells.Mol Pharmacol.
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49.Mukherjee A, Sen S., et al. Ciprofloxacin: mammalian DNA topoisomerase type II poison in vivo. MutatRes. 1993 Feb;301(2):87-92.

Use as Chemotherapy:

50. Kljun J, Bratsos I., et al. New uses for old drugs: attempts to convert quinolone antibacterials into potential anticancer agents containing ruthenium. Inorg Chem. 2013 Aug 5;52(15):9039-52.

51. Tomasz Kloskowski Natalia Gurtowska., et al. Ciprofloxacin is a potential topoisomerase II inhibitor for the treatment of NSCLC. International Journal
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52. Hawtin RE, Stockett DE., et al. Voreloxin Is an Anticancer Quinolone Derivative that Intercalates DNA and Poisons Topoisomerase II.PLoS One.
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53 Daniel J. Smart, H. D., et al. Ciprofloxacin-induced G2 arrest and apoptosis in TK6 lymphoblastoid cells is not dependent on DNA doublestrand break formation.Cancer BiolTher. 2008 Jan; 7(1): 113–119.

54. Mondal ER, Das SK., et al.Comparatieve evaluation of antiproliferative activity and induction of apoptosis by some Fluoroquinolones with a human non-small cell lung cancer line in culture. Asian Pacific Journal of
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55. Kamat AM, Lamm DL., Antitumor activity of common antibiotics against superficial bladder cancer. Urology. 2004 Mar;63(3):457-60.

56. Sissi C, Palumbo M., The quinolone family: from antibacterial to anticancer agents. Current Medicinal Chemistry Anticancer Agents. 2003

57. C Herold, M Ocker., et al.Ciprofloxacin induces apoptosis and inhibits proliferation of human colorectal carcinoma cells. British Journal of Cancer.
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58. Edward J. Fox, MD, Jesse T. Torbert., et al. The effects of ciprofloxacin and paclitaxel on metastatic and recurrent chondrosarcoma. Community
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59. Kamat AM, DeHaven JI., et al. Quinolone antibiotics: a potential adjunct to intravesical chemotherapy for bladder cancer.Urology. 1999 Jul;54(1):56-

60. Xia Y, Yang ZY., et al.Recent advances in the Discovery and Development of quinolones and analoges as antitumor agent. Current Medicinal Chemisty.
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61. Yamakuchi M, Nakata M., et al. New quinolones, ofloxacin and levofloxacin, inhibit telomerase activity in transitional cell carcinoma cell
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62. Elsea SH, Westergaard M., et al. Quinolones share a common interaction domain on topoisomerase II with other DNA cleavage-enhancing antineoplastic drugs. Biochemistry. 1997 Mar 11;36(10):2919-24. ... t=Abstract

63. Mäkinen M, Forbes PD., et al. Quinolone antibacterials: a new class of photochemical carcinogens. J PhotochemPhotobiol B. 1997 Feb;37(3):182-7

64. Lawrence JW, Claire DC., et al. Delayed cytotoxicity and cleavage of mitochondrial DNA in ciprofloxacin-treated mammalian cells.MolPharmacol.
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65. Gootz TD, Barrett JF., et al. Inhibitory effects of quinolone antibacterial agents on eukaryotic topoisomerases and related test systems.
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Autoimmunerkrankungen/Immunoallergische Reaktionen:

66. García Juárez I, Miquel R., et al. Levofloxacin-induced autoimmune hepatitis. Description of a case. Gastroenterol Hepatol.2014 Jan;37(1):46-8.

67. Wang SH, Xie YC., et al. Fluoroquinolone associated myasthenia gravis exacerbation: clinical analysis of 9 cases.Zhonghua Yi XueZaZhi 2013 May

68. Dana M. Blyth, Elizabeth Markelz., et al. Cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis associated with levofloxacin therapy.Infect Dis Rep. 2012 Jan 2;
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69. Anty R, Hastier P., et al. Unusual evolution of ciprofloxacin-induced hepatitis revealing a possible link with IgG4-associated autoimmune
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70. Garbe E, Andersohn F., et al. Drug induced immune haemolyticanaemia in the Berlin Case-Control Surveillance Study. Br J Haematol. 2011

71. Jones SC, Sorbello A., et al. Fluoroquinolone-associated myasthenia gravis exacerbation: evaluation of postmarketing reports from the US FDA adverse event reporting system and a literature review.Drug Safety. 2011 Oct
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72. van den Berg FP, Wagenvoort JH., et al. Ciprofloxacin-induced hemorrhagic vasculitis. Ann Vasc Surg. 2010 Feb;24(2):256.e13-5.

73. Tuccori M, Guidi B et al. Severe thrombocytopenia and haemolyticanaemia associated with ciprofloxacin: a case report with fatal
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74. Lim S, Alam MG.Ciprofloxacin-induced acute interstitial nephritis and autoimmune hemolytic anemia.Ren Fail. 2003 Jul;25(4):647-51.

75. Vergne P, Bertin P., et al. Drug-induced rheumatic disorders: incidence, prevention and management. Drug Saf. 2000 Oct;23(4):279-93


76. The UCSD Fluoroquinolone Effects Study.
Professor Beatrice A. Golomb, the University of California, San Diego. ... ation.html ... olomb.html

77. Megan Strauchman and Mark W. Morningstar., et al. Fluoroquinolone toxicity symptoms in a patient presenting with low back pain.ClinPract. 2012
Oct 12; 2(4): e87.

78. Cohen. Jay S. Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome: a letter to the senate committee on Health, Education & Labor.

79. Cohen. Jay S. An Open Letter To Congressman Holt on Severe, Disabling Reactions Linked to Cipro, Levaquin, and Other Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics ... ss_ltr.php

80. Bennet C. Citizen petition to FDA for psychiatric side effects.
University of South Carolina. Southern Network on adverse Reactions. SONAR.
September 8, 2014. ... YzZ0k/view?

81. Bennet, C. Citizen petition to FDA for mitochondrial warning.
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82.Badal S, Her YF., et al. Non-antibiotic effects of fluoroquinolones in mammalian cells. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2015 Jul 23. [Epub ahead
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Endocrine organs and other organ involvement:

83. Kabbara WK, Ramadan WH., et al.Evaluation of the appropriate use of commonly prescribed fluoroquinolones and the risk of dysglycemia.
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84. Chou HW, Wang JL, et al. Risk of severe dysglycemia among diabetic patients receiving levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, or moxifloxacin in Taiwan.
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85. Sherrie L. Aspinall., et al. Severe Dysglycemia with the Fluoroquinolones: A Class Effect? Clin Infect Dis. (2009) 49 (3): 402-408.

86. S Vallurupalli,* G Huesmann., et al. Levofloxacin-associated hypoglycaemia complicated by pontine myelinolysis and
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87. Lu ZK1, Yuan J., et al.Cardiac risks associated with antibiotics: azithromycin and levofloxacin. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2015 Feb;14(2):295-303

88. Rao GA1, Mann JR., et al, Azithromycin and levofloxacin use and increased risk of cardiac arrhythmia and death. Ann Fam Med. 2014 Mar-

89. Pugi A, Longo., et al. Cardiovascular and metabolic safety profiles of the fluoroquinolones. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2012 Jan;11(1):53-69.

90. Falagas ME, Rafailidis PI., et al. Arrhythmias associated with fluoroquinolone therapy. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents
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91. Iannini PB, Doddamani S., et al. Risk of torsades de pointes with noncardiac drugs. Prolongation of QT interval is probably a class effect of fluoroquinolones. BMJ. 2001 Jan 6;322(7277):46-7

92. Levine C, Trivedi A., et al.Severe ductopenia and cholestasis from levofloxacin drug-induced liver injury: a case report and review. SeminLiver
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93. Leise MD, Poterucha JJ., et al. Drug-induced liver injury. Mayo Clinic
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94. J. Michael Paterson, MSc, Muhammad M et al. Fluoroquinolone therapy and idiosyncratic acute liver injury: a population-based study. CMAJ. 2012
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95.Brennan Eadie, MD, PhD1; MahyarEtminan Evidence Linking Some Fluoroquinolones to Uveitis Grows JAMA Ophthalmology. 2014 JAMA
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96. Etminan M, Forooghian F. et al. Oral fluoroquinolones and the risk of retinal detachment. JAMA. 2012 Apr 4;307(13):1414-9

97.Mehlhorn AJ, Brown DA. Safety concerns with fluoroquinolones.
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98. Cooper JG, Harboe K., et al.Ciprofloxacin interacts with thyroid replacement therapy.BMJ. 2005 Apr 30;330(7498):1002.

99. Yang SD1, Bai ZL., et al. Levofloxacin increases the effect of serum deprivation on anoikis of rat nucleus pulposus cells via Bax/Bcl-2/caspase- 3 pathway.ToxicolMech Methods. 2014 Dec;24(9):688-96

100. Bai ZL, Chen Q., et al. ToxicEffects of Levofloxacin on Rat Annulus Fibrosus Cells: An In-vitro Study.Med SciMonit. 2014 Nov 8;20:2205-12. ... rt=classic

101. Wang L, Wu Y., et al. Cytotoxic effects of the quinolone levofloxacin on rabbit meniscus cells. J ApplToxicol. 2014 Aug;34(8):870-7

102. Khan M, Ortega LM1., et al. Crystal-induced acute kidney injury due to ciprofloxacin.J Nephropathol. 2015 Jan;4(1):29-31. doi: 10.12860/jnp.2015.06.
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103. Argirov M1, Ricken G., et al. Acute interstitial nephritis associated with moxifloxacin use.ClinTher. 2005 Aug;27(8):1260-3


104.Linder JA, Huang ES., et al. Fluoroquinolone prescribing in the United States: 1995 to 2002. Am J Med. 2005 Mar;118(3):259-68.

105. Holleman F, Uijldert M., et al. Productivity of authors in the field of diabetes: bibliographic analysis of trial publications. BMJ. 2015 Jul

106. Concerns about industry dominance in diabetes research. ... 214541.htm

107. Dear doctor letter Todd Plumb M.D. 2006.

108. Physicians’ Desk Reference. 2015

©2015 Miriam J. de Jonge, M.D.

This letter does NOT contain medical advice. Please consult your own
doctor or healthcare provider to determine the best course of treatment for
you. Readers should not make any changes in drugs, doses, or any other
aspects of their medical treatment unless specifically directed to do so by
their own doctors.
Zuletzt geändert von FluorchiNO am 21.10.2017, 18:26, insgesamt 13-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 193
Registriert: 15.10.2017, 17:11

Re: Brief einer betroffenen US Ärztin an ihre Kollegen


Beitragvon FluorchiNO » 21.10.2017, 14:52

Übersetzung ohne Gewähr:

"Lieben Kollegen,

Die Breitspektrum-Fluorchinolone-Antibiotika (FCss) gehören zu den potentesten oralen Antibiotika im klinischen Einsatz.

Sie gehören zu den häufigsten vorgeschriebenen antimikrobiellen Mitteln.104

Zunächst wurden sie als Reserve-Arzneimittel empfohlen.

FCs wirken durch Hemmung der bakteriellen DNA-Gyrase und Topoisomerase IV. Dadurch wirken sie bakteriolytisch statt bakteriostatisch.

In diesem Brief möchte ich Ihnen zusätzliche Informationen zu den negativen Auswirkungen von FCs geben, die offensichtlich häufiger vorkommen und häufiger chronisch werden als bisher bekannt.78

Die nachteiligen Wirkungen von FCs sind multisystemisch , treten meist gemeinsam auf und erfüllen damit die Qualifikationen für ein Syndrom: das Fluorchinolon-Toxizitäts-Syndrom (FTS) .76,77,78

Negativen Auswirkungen von FCs können entweder sofort oder verzögert auftreten.1,6

Sie können auch dauerhaft werden.25

Tendinitis / Tendinose, Nebenwirkungen an Magen-Darm-Trakt (Übelkeit, Durchfall) und zentralem Nervensystem (Kopfschmerzen, Schwindel) sind am häufigsten.

Die Pathophysiologie der negativen Auswirkungen von FCs sind vielfältig:
Inhibierung und / oder Unterbrechung des GABA-Rezeptors; Chelatisierung von zweiwertigen Ionen wie Magnesium mit Störung der Zellfunktion; Oxidativer Stress; Schädigung der nuklearen DNA, Schädigung der Mitochondrien und anderer Zellorganellen wie Lysosomen; Erschöpfung
der mitochondrialen DNA; Direkte Toxizität; Aus einem kürzlich erschienenen Artikel der Mayo Klinik; 82
Chelatisierung von Eisen, die zu epigenetischen Effekten durch Hemmung von Dioxygenasen führt,
welche globale epigenetische Veränderungen induzieren und die Kollagenreifung hemmen, was zu Tendinopathien und Leberschäden führt.

Eine Zusammenfassung möglicher nachteiliger Auswirkungen:

1. Fluoroquinolone können nicht nur Achillessehnen, sondern auch andere Sehnen schädigen,
Bänder, Bindegewebe, Knorpel, Knochen und Muskeln.1-9, 98-103
2. Fluoroquinolone können Apoptose von menschlichen Körperzellen induzieren und dadurch
ihren Mitochondrien durch verschiedene Mechanismen, einschließlich oxidativem Stress, schaden.29-37
3. Fluoroquinolone können menschliche DNA schädigen und können daher genotoxisch sein.38-49
4. Fluorchinolone wurden als Chemotherapie oder als Ergänzung zu bestehender Chemotherapie aufgrund ihrer apoptotischen Eigenschaften verwendet.50-65
5. Fluorchinolone können das Zentralnervensystem schädigen, 18-28 das Periphere Nervensystem 10-17 sowie viele andere endokrine und nicht-endokrine Organe.83-97
6. Fluorchinolone scheinen in der Lage zu sein, Autoimmunerkrankungen auszulösen oder vorhandene Autoimmunerkrankungen zu verschlimmern sowie zu einer immunallergisch vermittelten Reaktion zu führen..66-75

Patienten können eine breite Palette von Symptomen haben :
Gelenke: Schmerzen, Schwellungen,Rötung, Flüssigkeit , Knorpelschaden, Meniskusrisse.
Sehnen: Schmerzen, Tränen, Rupturen, Schwellung.
Muskeln: Schmerz, Schwäche und wasting ?, unfreiwillige Muskelkontraktionen, Zuckungen
Gewichtsverlust, Übelkeit, Durchfall, Haarausfall, visuelle Abnormitäten, starke Müdigkeit, Anstrengungsunfähigkeit, Kopfschmerzen,
Druckgefühle im Kopf, Schwindel, Zittern, Schlaflosigkeit oder Schlafstörungen, Halluzinationen, Krämpfe, Angstzustände, Psychosen.
Neuropathische Schmerzen, Kribbeln, Brennen, "Stöße", Brummen, Quetschen oder "Druck" in den Armen, Beinen, am Körper oder am Kopf,Parästhesien, Blutdruckveränderungen, autonome Neuropathie und sensorische
Störung, Unfähigkeit zu schwitzen, übermäßiges Schwitzen, Verlust der Blasenkontrolle,
orthostatische Hypotonie, Tinnitus, Schwindel, Benommenheit, Ohnmacht.
Überempfindlichkeit gegen Schmerzen oder leichte Berührungen. Schlaflosigkeit. Glukosestoffwechselstörungen, Anzeichen von Hypo- oder Hyperglykämie. Erhöhte Leberenzyme, Leberversagen, Nierenschäden oder Versagen.
Herz: unregelmäßiger Herzschlag mit Herzklopfen, QT Verlängerung, Torsade de point.
Sehstörungen wie Floater.
Gehschwierigkeit, Sprechchwierigkeiten, Schluckbeschwerden, Denkschwierigkeiten.76.108

Das Wissen über diese oft komplexen Auswirkungen ist für den Patienten wichtig. Wenn Auswirkungen von FCs nicht als miteinander verbunden betrachtet werden, ist es leicht, die Diagnose eines FC induziertem Syndroms zu übersehen.Die Patienten bekommen dann die Diagnosen Fibromyalgie, somatoforme Störung oder andere psychiatrische Erkrankungen, weil Ärzte sich über die potenzielle Schwere und
Dauer einiger FC induzierten Auswirkungen nicht bewusst sind . Natürlich ist es auch wichtig, andere Pathologien auszuschließen, die entweder durch FC provoziert wurden oder bereits existierten, die aber erst nach der Verwendung von Fluorchinolon-Antibiotika offensichtlich wurden.

Ich hoffe, dass viele Patienten davon profitieren werden, dass medizinische Profis sich über die Informationen in diesem Brief bewusst werden. Vielen Dank für Ihre Zeit und Aufmerksamkeit.


Miriam J. de Jonge M.D.
Kontakt E-Mail:

Postscript und Verantwortlichkeit. Um diesen Brief zu schreiben, habe ich eine Suche bei PUB Med und Google Scholar über Fluorchinolonen und die verschiedenen Nebenwirkungen gemacht.

Ich habe versucht, mich so viel wie möglich auf menschliche Forschung zu beziehen, obwohl Tierstudien wertvolle Daten liefern können. Ich habe auch versucht, neuere Veröffentlichungen zu verwenden, außer als ich dachte, dass ältere Publikationen wichtig sind.

Selber von den unerwünschten Ereignissen dieser Antibiotika geschädigt, wollte ich für mich selbst herausfinden, was die Erklärung für meine andauernden Symptome sein könnte.

Ich wollte auch den letzten "Dear Doctor" Brief überarbeiten, der 2006 von einem anderen Arzt geschrieben wurde, der nach der Verwendung von Fluoroquinolonen geschädigt wurde.107
Wie Sie vielleicht wissen, hat die medizinische Literatur nach dem Marketing eine Tendenz, ein günstigeres Ergebnis als in der Realität hervorzuheben. 105,106
In letzter Zeit wurden zwei Bürger Petitionen für zwei weitere Black-Box-Warnungen bei der FDA von
Professor Charles Bennet von SONAR eingereicht: eine für psychiatrische Auswirkungen . 82 Und eine für
mitochondriale Schäden. 81"

Haftungsausschluß am Ende der Literarurliste:

"Dieser Brief enthält keinen medizinischen Rat. Bitte konsultieren Sie Ihren eigenen Arzt oder Gesundheitsdienstleister, um die beste Behandlungsmethode für sie zu bestimmen. Leser sollten keine Änderungen ihrer Medikamenten, Dosen oder anderer Aspekte ihrer medizinischen Behandlung vornehmen, ohne dass ihre eigenen Ärzten dies so bestimmt hätten."
Zuletzt geändert von FluorchiNO am 21.10.2017, 17:46, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 193
Registriert: 15.10.2017, 17:11

Re: Brief einer betroffenen US Ärztin an ihre Kollegen


Beitragvon FluorchiNO » 21.10.2017, 15:53

Merke: viele Links in der Literaturangabe stimmen nicht. Ich überprüfe jeden einzelnen Link nach und nach (bin leider nur bei Nr19).

Beiträge: 193
Registriert: 15.10.2017, 17:11

Re: Brief einer betroffenen US Ärztin an ihre Kollegen


Beitragvon FluorchiNO » 21.10.2017, 18:06

Hier der Brief des ebenfalls betroffenen Kollegen Dr.Thumbb: ... Doctor.pdf

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