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Spermidine? (autophagy enthusiasts, please drop by)

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Registriert: 30.07.2020, 04:49

Spermidine? (autophagy enthusiasts, please drop by)


Beitragvon Tarragon83 » 13.02.2022, 00:53

Has anyone tried spermidine? 'Its potency has been recently quantified to be equivalent to that of rapamycin [23], an FDA-approved immunosuppressant with protective and autophagy-stimulatory properties [24,25]' ( There is a product by the Austrian company SpermidineLife, so it should be no problem to receive it to a European address. I may also try it at some point.
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Registriert: 05.05.2022, 23:11

Re: Spermidine? (autophagy enthusiasts, please drop by)


Beitragvon Luketheman » 31.08.2022, 17:35


very interesting question. Did you try it?

I will try it soon.

Greetings Luke

Wäre schön wenn sich noch jemand melden könnte der es probiert hat und oder sich damit auskennt. Dankeschön.
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