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Studie - Mitochondrien und Stammzellenschädigung durch Fluorchinolone (Science Translation Medicine) - 2013

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Studie - Mitochondrien und Stammzellenschädigung durch Fluorchinolone (Science Translation Medicine) - 2013


Beitragvon Schorsch » 02.11.2016, 21:45


Editor's Summary

Antibiotics Affect Mitochondria in Mammalian Cells
Antibiotics hurt only bacteria, right? According to a new study from Kalghatgi and colleagues, certain types of
antibiotics may also cause damage to mammalian cells and thus pose problems for patients on long-term antibiotic regimens.

The authors hypothesized that bactericidal−−but not bacteriostatic−−antibiotics damage mammalian tissues by
triggering mitochondrial release of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Indeed, in culture, three representative bactericidal
antibiotics −−ciprofloxacin (a fluoroquinolone), ampicillin (a β-lactam), and kanamycin (an aminoglycoside)−−induced
dose- and time-dependent increases in intracellular ROS in various human cell lines. Such increases in ROS led to
DNA, protein, and lipid damage in vitro. A bacteriostatic antibiotic, tetracycline, had no effect on ROS production. To
shed light on the mechanism, Kalghatgi et al. showed that bactericidal antibiotics disrupted the mitochondrial electron
transport chain, which would lead to a buildup of ROS.


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